
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Education is a gift for life

Seven million children under the age of 14 years in India do not have access to education and approximately 50% of these children drop out before they complete their elementary education. Save the Children is working with Central and State Governments to ensure that each of them have a chance to attend school.
How do we do this ?
  • Help build infrastructure like schools and provide education kits with books and uniforms.
  • Run residential bridge schools to ensure that children who have not been to school are brought up to a level where they are ready to join formal schools.
This work cannot be done without your support, please make a contribution by
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Online Education

Updated on: Aug 7, 2012
On-line education is a new generation tool. It is basically a computer based program. In this education the courses are delivered partly or completely via the Internet, an intranet or an extranet. Here content to concept every thing delivered through online. This education gives you enough time to set your own study time from any where. The ability to communicate and interact with students all over the country or even the world provides unique advantage to the student. Documents, transcripts, live discussions and training materials are all archived and recorded so that they can be retrieved via mail, e-mail or the school’s website for reading, downloading, and printing. Instructors are also available at convenient times and respond quickly through email. You can earn an online degree at various levels: associate degrees online, bachelor's degrees online, master's degrees online, even a PhD degree online.
In India online education is in its primitive stage. Though maximum educational institutes have adopted the process online admission and online result announcement, but the method of teaching on online is relatively slow in India. Even some institutes are also conducting their exams through online. Reputed national institutes like IIT Mumbai, IIM -Kozikode, IGNOU, Tamil file University and so many are providing some courses through online.


Internet- basically online
Intranet – computer presentation through internal connectivity within the institute or videoconferencing
Extranet- it is a private network outside the institute. It can be satellite or internet or video conferencing or digital television or mobile telephone.


  • Great transparency
    Great accessibility
  • Easy availability of documents, transcripts, live discussions and training materials
  • Less cost
  • Opportunities to develop technological competencies
  • Access global resource and library
  • Fix time according to your suitability

Suitable For

  • General students
  • High professionals
  • Urbanite

Courses Available

The “Online education” is synonymous to Classrooms without walls and remote teachers. In this mode of education, anytime students can get admission and exams are, factually paper-less.
There are several online courses offered by foreign universities as well as Indian Universities and institutes, directly to students in India. Any aspirant who has the access to a computer and internet facilities can these days look out for an online degree or diploma education.

Online education can open up the doors to as many people who care to gain access to it, at whatever moments in their lives. Keeping this in mind NNE has made an effort to compile the information of the Universities/Institutes that offer online programs from different parts of the world for the benefits of the student aspirants.

Comments (146)
    • Suneeth 15/11/2012, 7:44 PM

      within the institute or videoconferencing Extranet- it is a private network outside the instituteWire Strainers...Samantha Photos
    • Comment #146
    • Hiola 15/11/2012, 1:30 PM

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    • Comment #145
    • Priti 12/11/2012, 2:17 PM

      Good information. I have a link where you can listen to lectures from IIT's and IIM's www.myopencourses.com
    • Comment #144
    • danbtfsdnmt 9/11/2012, 5:29 AM

      within the institute or videoconferencing Extranet- it is a private network outside the instituteWire Strainers
    • Comment #143
    • SHARMILA GHOSH 3/11/2012, 12:36 PM

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Monday 28 January 2013

Candy Heart Stories

  • Arts & Humanities
    --Language Arts
  • Social Studies
  • K-2
  • 3-5
  • 6-8


Brief Description
Write a story that includes the text of the candy conversation hearts you chose.
  • write stories that include the text of the candy conversation hearts they chose.
  • use quotation marks properly (if that is a grade-appropriate skill).
Valentines Day, valentine, candy, heart, conversation, quotation, quotation marks
Materials Needed
  • a bag of Valentine's "conversation heart" candies
  • a bowl
  • glue (optional)
Lesson Plan
Purchase a bag of "conversation heart" candies. Pour half of the candies into a bowl. Let each student pick out randomly from a bowl five to ten of the candy hearts. If students pick out any duplicate candy phrases, you might have them return the duplicates to the bowl and choose replacements. Then challenge students to write a story that includes in it all of the conversation heart phrases they picked out of the bowl.
Activity Notes
  • The number of hearts students choose will be up to you. If you teach primary grade students you might have them choose 5 hearts; older students might choose ten (and if they choose duplicates, you might require them to include the duplicate phrase two times).
  • The instructions above call for emptying half to candy hearts into a bowl. You might set aside the other half to distribute later as a sweet reward. The reason for setting aside the unused candies is that you won't want students to eat the ones they pull from the bowl since a bunch of other kids' hands have been digging in that bowl too!
  • Students might glue their conversation hearts to the story in the exact places where they inserted the text of the heart.
  • If you teach elementary or middle-school students, you might require them to include the conversation heart phrases in a conversation -- proper use of quotation marks required.
Did students work all the candy heart phrases into their stories? Did the phrases sound natural within the context of the story? You might invite students to share their stories and for their peers to vote privately on their favorite stories.
Lesson Plan Source
Submitted By
Gary Hopkins
National Standards
NL-ENG.K-12.12 Applying Language Skills
See more Lesson Plans of the Day in our Lesson Plan of the Day Archive. (There you can search for lessons by subject too.)
For additional language arts/reading lesson plans, see these Education World resources:



Saturday 26 January 2013


Popular Articles About Corruption
January 16, 2013 | PTI
NEW YORK: Even as corruption charges threatened to topple Pakistan's second Premier in a row, the country's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar drew a parallel with India, saying Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had also faced "very big" allegations. "The problem of corruption plagues many countries within South Asia and elsewhere also. You saw many many scandals of corruption and allegations on the Prime Minister within India also very recently and...
January 17, 2013 | ET Bureau
NEW DELHI: Pakistan foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar told a public audience in the United States that India's Prime Minister has also faced allegations of corruption. She was responding to a question about pervasive corruption in her country in the context of a Tuesday ruling by the Pakistan Supreme Court to arrest prime minister Raja Pervez Ashraf on bribery charges. "The problem of corruption plagues many countries within South...
November 6, 2012
Kiran Karnik, Independent Strategy & Policy Analyst It is better to try and plug the leak in a sinking boat rather than to keep bailing water, especially if the hole is getting bigger. It is wiser to root out the cause, instead of tackling the symptoms. Yet, much of the movement against corruption has focused only on the symptoms, the manifestation, and not on how to eradicate the cause itself. Thus, there are daily exposes and a cry to act against...
January 20, 2013 | IANS
JAIPUR: Newly-appointed Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi gave an emotionally-charged speech Sunday at the Birla auditorium here while addressing the All India Congress Committee session on the last day of the 'Chintan Shivir'. Some of the highlights: - The Food Bill will ensure that no mother sees her child go hungry at night. Right to Information allows every Indian to take on the battle against corruption. - There are people in high positions with no understanding of issues -...
January 17, 2013 | ET Bureau
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October 20, 2006 | Joseph E Stiglitz
At its recent annual meeting, World Bank officials spoke extensively about corruption. It is an understandable concern: money that the Bank lends to developing countries that ends up in secret bank accounts or finances some contractors' luxurious lifestyle leaves a country more indebted, not more prosperous. James Wolfensohn, the Bank's previous president, and I are widely credited with putting corruption on the Bank's agenda, against opponents who regarded...
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September 7, 2003 | TNN
Everyone who participates in the state's political system is inevitably corrupted by it, or so it would seem. How else could a judge say with impunity that wine and women couldn't be seen as cor-ruptive influence since they didn't involve monetary benefit. Or a chief minister turn a blind eye to rioters outside his palace gates. Like Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged, he might just say --"we are on strike against martyrdom -- and against the moral code the demands it. We are on strike against those who believe that one man must...
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NEW YORK: Even as corruption charges threatened to topple Pakistan's second Premier in a row, the country's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar drew a parallel with India, saying Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had also faced "very big" allegations. "The problem of corruption plagues many countries within South Asia and elsewhere also. You saw many many scandals of corruption and allegations on the Prime Minister within India also very recently and...
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January 14, 2013 | Reuters
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December 26, 2008
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January 11, 2013 | PTI
NEW DELHI: There was "no plan" to amend Right to Information (RTI) Act, Union Minister V Narayanasamy on Friday said, asserting that the Centre was taking various measures to ensure transparent governance. Addressing a conference here, Narayanasamy also said there was a need to protect whistle blowers exposing corruption in governance. "There was a need to protect the persons making a public interest disclosure related to an act of corruption. With this objective in mind, the Whistle...
January 10, 2013 | PTI
NEW DELHI: A Supreme Court-appointed panel has recommended that the above-poverty-line (APL) families should not be given subsidised food grains and the government agencies should undertake their distribution directly instead of doing so through Fair Price Shops run by private persons to check corruption in PDS. Justice D P Wadhwa Committee said there is undoubtedly nexus between the Fair Price Shop (FPS) owners, transporters, bureaucrats and politicians which...