
Monday 28 January 2013

Candy Heart Stories

  • Arts & Humanities
    --Language Arts
  • Social Studies
  • K-2
  • 3-5
  • 6-8


Brief Description
Write a story that includes the text of the candy conversation hearts you chose.
  • write stories that include the text of the candy conversation hearts they chose.
  • use quotation marks properly (if that is a grade-appropriate skill).
Valentines Day, valentine, candy, heart, conversation, quotation, quotation marks
Materials Needed
  • a bag of Valentine's "conversation heart" candies
  • a bowl
  • glue (optional)
Lesson Plan
Purchase a bag of "conversation heart" candies. Pour half of the candies into a bowl. Let each student pick out randomly from a bowl five to ten of the candy hearts. If students pick out any duplicate candy phrases, you might have them return the duplicates to the bowl and choose replacements. Then challenge students to write a story that includes in it all of the conversation heart phrases they picked out of the bowl.
Activity Notes
  • The number of hearts students choose will be up to you. If you teach primary grade students you might have them choose 5 hearts; older students might choose ten (and if they choose duplicates, you might require them to include the duplicate phrase two times).
  • The instructions above call for emptying half to candy hearts into a bowl. You might set aside the other half to distribute later as a sweet reward. The reason for setting aside the unused candies is that you won't want students to eat the ones they pull from the bowl since a bunch of other kids' hands have been digging in that bowl too!
  • Students might glue their conversation hearts to the story in the exact places where they inserted the text of the heart.
  • If you teach elementary or middle-school students, you might require them to include the conversation heart phrases in a conversation -- proper use of quotation marks required.
Did students work all the candy heart phrases into their stories? Did the phrases sound natural within the context of the story? You might invite students to share their stories and for their peers to vote privately on their favorite stories.
Lesson Plan Source
Submitted By
Gary Hopkins
National Standards
NL-ENG.K-12.12 Applying Language Skills
See more Lesson Plans of the Day in our Lesson Plan of the Day Archive. (There you can search for lessons by subject too.)
For additional language arts/reading lesson plans, see these Education World resources:

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